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服務簡介 Service Outline




WILCO 自肥企劃的「轉型諮詢」是一項支援您個人生活、人際關係、業務和團隊發展的指導體驗,幫助您找到自己的方向並推動自己在適當的道路上前進。




Life is full of challenges.

Academic issues, issues at work, issues with love, issues with parents and children, issues involving mother and daughter-in-laws, issues with business management and marketing…

When these challenges entail our own personal problems, interpersonal disputes, or unfathomable crises, it can be simple to become disoriented and uncertain about where to start or what actions to take, in order to make ourselves a better person and make things better.

WILCO Side Hustle’s “Transformation Consulting” is a coaching encounter that supports your personal life, relationships, business and team development while helping you to find your own path and pushing yourself forward on an appropriate path.

We will discuss about the difficulties you have had in your life, career, business environment or particular relationship, acquire a better understanding of the whole picture of the events and what is preventing you from overcoming the setbacks from past words and acts of yours or others, from current attitudes of yours or others toward things, life, other people and you.

We’ll also examine your individuality, personal traits and what you’re currently doing to see what needs concentration and improvement, and explore how you can better yourself to tackle the issues at hand or make future plans, in a bid to reach your goals gradually.

Additionally, we will offer you advice on how to run your company and brand sustainably in order to support you in overcoming obstacles you may run into while pursuing entrepreneurship.

指導主題 Mentoring Topics


We can address challenges, regarding your personal growth, relationships, career development, decluttering, entrepreneurship, branding, content marketing, and business management, as well as the objectives you hope to accomplish, via our discussion. We can also have in-depth discussions regarding the new life you wish to lead, and your plans for the future.

服務模式 Service Mode

面對面 / 線上會談
Face to Face / Online
Studio, online meeting room, or at your preferred site

繳費方式 Payment Methods

香港地區客戶 Hong Kong Clients

FPS 或銀行轉賬
FPS or Bank Transfer

香港以外地區客戶 Clients Outside Hong Kong

Telegraph Transfer

服務收費 Service Charges

每位 Each PersonHKD$700
  • 一對一教練指導約 60 分鐘,二人以上教練指導約 90 分鐘
  • 將以港元結算
  • 整個教練指導過程不得拍攝、錄音和錄影
  • About 60 minutes for one-on-one coaching and 90 minutes for coaching involving two or more people
  • Hong Kong dollars will be used to settle the balance
  • No photo, audio and video recordings are permitted during our coaching

預約程序 Notes before Appointment

您可以通過電子郵件或我們的社交媒體平台 (WhatsAppInstagram),簡單地表達您想要討論的議題或主題、進行諮詢的日期、時間和地點,以及參與者的人數及其聯繫方式來預約 WILCO 自肥企劃的「轉型諮詢」。

當我們收到您們的預約申請後,我們將盡快透過電子郵件、WhatsApp 或 Instagram 與您和其他參與者聯繫,以便安排我們的會談。





You may schedule WILCO Side Hustle’s “Transformation Consulting” by simply indicating the your issues or topics you would like to discuss, the date, time, and location of the consultation, along with the number of participants and their contact details through email or our social media platform (WhatsApp or Instagram).

We will get in touch with you and the other participants via email, WhatsApp, or Instagram as soon as we get your appointment request in order to set up our meeting.

Our “Transformation Consulting” is charged per session and requires prepayment.

We only take bank transfers, telegraph transfers, and FPS payments. The time slot is only reserved for the first payer. After getting our notification with billing information, please finish the payment procedure as soon as possible. After purchase, there are no refunds. Kindly arrive on time.

If you participate online, you will receive a link to the online meeting room one day before the event after successfully making a reservation. Throughout the event, kindly remain in a safe, peaceful, and comfortable location.

You are responsible for paying the venue rental if you utilize a location other than our studio or online meeting room. Extra fees could be charged in distant places.

其他服務 Other Services

error: © WILCO 自肥企劃 WILCO Side Hustle. 保留一切權利。All rights reserved.