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我們的自肥哲學 Our Philosophy’s of Side Hustle







Every one of us had dreams when we were little. Even though the dream was just inspired by reading comic books, listening to stories, or experiencing anything else, we will never forget the joy we felt when we decided to strive for the dream.

But as we become older, realising our dreams is harder than we imagined because there are more factors to consider. We need to discuss our ambition, for instance, with our parents, our teammates, and possibly even our lover. And their opinions on this matter may differ from us.

Sometimes, when faced with challenges that we find difficult to handle, we would feel defeated.

What changes would you make at this moment?

Will you take a stand for yourself and continue to pursue your goals in life?

How are you going to push yourself progress so that you can have a better life?

我們的願景 Our Vision


Stay grounded, be who you really are, achieve your full potential and advance towards your dream.

從 WILCO 自肥企劃的角度來看,充實的生活是我們透過追求自己的抱負而實現的。



A fulfilling life is one that we achieve by pursuing our aspirations from the perspective of WILCO Side Hustle.

Everyone is capable of building their ideal life. As long as you have courage to be who you are, the appropriate mindset and sufficient skills to deal with the current challenges, you will be able to uncover a cure for any problem and manifest your dreams.

This is not just our journey of self-discovery; this is also our adventure in life.

自肥目標 WILCO Side Hustle’s Goal

  • 協助您加深對自己的了解,發現自己獨特的個性,重拾過去對生活的熱情和活力
  • 幫助您理順思緒,真誠地面對自己,看清事實,並針對當前的情況做出適當的改變
  • 鼓勵您勇敢嘗試真正適合您自己的生活方式和處事態度,享受更有意義的人生
  • 增強您的批判性思考、應對逆境和自我照料的能力,讓您在充分清醒、務實的同時,一步步實踐自己的理想
  • Assist you in deepening your understanding of yourself, discovering your distinct personality, and rediscovering your previous zest and vigour for life
  • Empower you to streamline your ideas, sincerely confront yourself, look at the facts with clarity, and make suitable changes on your current situation head-on
  • Encourage you to have the bravery to try a way of life and attitude that genuinely fit you, and enjoy a life that is more meaningful
  • Boost your ability to think critically, to cope with adversity, to care yourself, and make it possible for you to be fully awake and pragmatic while putting your dream into practise step-by-step

Will you put up a battle to achieve your goals?


We’ll try our best to help you reclaim your passion for life, view any circumstance from a variety of angles, and identify workable solutions to assist you breaking through difficulties based on your inner views and capabilities, whether you take part in any of our events, receive consultations, or just read our posts.

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